I don't know if it's because it's that time of the month or what, but today I'm feeling especially sensitive about the age old question: Do gentlemen prefer blondes?
If you were to ask my opinion, YES!!! YES THEY DO!
Everytime I see a sports player: girlfriend or wife - BLOND! 98% of guys that I think are attractive - They go for the blondes!! I can't tell you how many times my friends and I are talking and we see a guy that's attractive. Only to see him with a blond girl!
As a member of the brunette sisterhood, I'm starting to get rather discouraged that the most guys really prefer blondes. However, they may end up with brunette just because.
I see this scenario all the time. You have a brunette that's pretty attractive. Then you get a blond who has a *"butta-face" yet, she'll have guys humping her leg. While the brunette that's more attractive goes un-noticed. Why is that??
I know I have work to do on me, but in the process of doing the official "Erin makeover" am I gonna have to dye my hair, get fake boobs, eat nothing but celery sticks, and be a cheerleader?
My question is to the guys...Do you prefer blondes? If so, Why? What do they have that us darker haired lovelies are missing? Or do you prefer ladies more exotic looking?
(FYI no matter wha... I'm not dying my hair or getting boobs...eventually there will be someone that prefers a sassy brunette with A+ cup boobs)
*Butta-face: not attractive play on words. -used in a sentence That girl looked good from behind but had a butta-face. (Oh but her face!)
In my opinion, hair color plays a very small role in attraction with men. I think face, eyes, body, personality, intellect all rank higher then hair color.
If all things were equal (though never the case),some men are drawn more towards blondes and in some cases brunettes. I know a lot of attractive guys who prefer brunette, but overall hair color falls very low on the list of importance/attraction.
In my opinion, hair color plays a very small role in attraction with men. I think face, eyes, body, personality, intellect all rank higher then hair color.
If all things were equal (though never the case),some men are drawn more towards blondes and in some cases brunettes. I know a lot of attractive guys who prefer brunette, but overall hair color falls very low on the list of importance/attraction.
It doesn't appear they do, according to the "sex tips" article Kaden posted the other day on the HOT 957 web-site. I think it's the total package that matters. Hair color may be what catches the eye, but hair color eventually fades, as do looks. so you have to look at the total package. There is an old saying that goes "Men F*cK the blondes, but marry the Brunettes." and when you look at even celebs, that seems to be the case. So don't sweat it!!! Blondes are not all that, plus the carpet doesn't match the drapes most of the time anyway. A man wants a real woman, not some fake ass blonde bombshell, that's only fun for so long!
I came to realize that without question, I prefer brunettes over blonds.
This may anger a few fair haired readers but when it comes to being adventurous,brunettes are much more fun! I personally like a girl who is kind of a tom-boy. But under the layers is all girl. Brunettes seems to have that trait more often than the blonds I've dated.
So Erin! Mark one up for the BRUNETTES!
Where can a nice looking single "Hopeless Romantic" guy who loves to pamper and flatter daily, find such a girl? Hmmm. :)
Hell No!!!!! Your hair is great.....
Can you tell me why you and your friends are the judge on beauty? I'm not trying to be mean, I would just like to know what gives you guys the right to judge whether or not someone is pretty/ugly?
No one said we were the judge...we all have our own opinion. What? You dont have an opinion on what you think is attractive? Sheesh! The whole point of this blog is to figure what men think is attractive. Let's focus on the topic and not personal attacks.
I definately prefer Brunettes, then Jet Black, then Blonde, and last but not least, the red haired ladies... I dont really care about the size of a womans bra, if you can go without one... even hotter! As far as preference... brunettes seem to be more intelligent, more affectionate, more daring, and more fun in general. Stay the way you are and you will let some lucky guy catch you some day... P.S. can you slow down, my legs are getting tired! LOL
As a female myself I prefer redhead guys but as someone said earlier it's due to it being catching to the eye. Some past redheads have been vacant while others have been wonderful people. I certainly don't shy away from dating brown haired fellows or blondes just red hair happens to catch my eye first.
How is my comment a personal attack? I've never in my life looked at another women and thought, "why the hell is he with her, she's so ugly." First of all, I'm smart enough to know if you want a great man, looks don't matter. There are millions of pretty women. Weight, hair and makeup can make Fiona from Shrek a beauty queen. It's what you are when you get rid of all that crap. Secondly, I am secure with myself, so I don't have to put other women down to make myself feel better.
Nah, I prefer Brunettes, all the way
I think you're missing the point. I'm not looking at these women asking "why the hell is that guy with her?" I'm simply asking since I see men go for blondes more...is it really true that guys prefer blond hair? Its my observation...It may not be really accurate...but perception is reality.
I have been every hair color,and I get WAY more attention from men as a brunette.
When I was a blonde,it was only creepy pervert types that were attracted to me.
As a brunette,men literally trip over themselves when they see me coming.I totally stand out in a sea of fake blondes and guys really like that.They love my mysterious,striking looks.
It's only YOUR insecurity that tells you men prefer blondes.They don't.
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