Monday, January 11, 2010


So over the weekend my ex-husband got remarried. I knew this was coming but, when this weekend hit for some reason I got bothered.

The reason for me getting bothered was not because I wanted him back...HECK NO!!! In that case, I say best of luck to wife #2. No, I'm bothered because in the 3 years since our divorce I haven't had anything close to getting married.

I'm glad that things worked out the way they have with my career. I got to do mornings in Milwaukee and do more TV work. I learned a lot in my 2 years there. And now I'm in a top 10 market on one of the biggest country stations in the country. I'm part of a legendary morning show and I'm in a place I've always wanted to live...TEXAS!

My disappointments are from the personal side of things. After my break up with Mr. Dallas I never had much luck. As I've said before I've been trying on a lot of shoes.

It's crazy to think that within that first year of being divorced, my ex-husband went from one college girl to the next and ended up with what I think was college girl # 3. So he found his next wife that fast?

I remember when we still would talked I asked about his relationship with her and if he saw himself getting married. He said, "Honestly Erin, I don't think I'm going to get remarried. I'm not sure I want to." Well, hell froze over because it looks like he changes his mind.

He might've just been blowing smoke up my butt(wouldn't surprise me) but, how are you dating someone a year...and don't want to get married anytime soon then within a year you decide to go for wife 2?

I wonder if the guy that was his best man for our wedding was the best man for wedding # 2? How does that toast go? "I knew that these were perfect for each other...wait I said that last time! I know they will live a long and happy life together...wait I said that last time!"

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