Monday, October 8, 2012


What goes through a girls head after we have sex with you and don't hear back

The other day I was hanging out with a girlfriend of mine and I asked her about a guy she'd been hanging out with. They had went out about a month by the time they had sex. When I asked when the last time she heard from him it had been a week or so. Immediately I said how it sucks when you're dating or you just hooked up a guy and then you sit there wondering if you'll ever hear from them again. Every girl I know over analyzes why her phone hasn't at least chimed with a text message from him. Here's a little insight for guys on what goes through our head as we sit and wait.

Literally every possible thing that could've gone wrong is what we worry about. She and I sat there and listed them off.

Was I not good enough in bed?
Did I not pull out enough tricks?
Did I do too many tricks?
Did he think I was fat?
Did he not like how I looked naked?
Was my butt too big? Were my boobs too small?
Did I smell?
Did I make too much noise...or not enough?
Did I make weird faces?

That's just the stuff we wonder about ourselves afterwards and we're waiting to hear back from a guy. There's a ton of other things we think that have nothing to do with us.

Was he just using me?
Was it just because he was drunk?
Does he really have a girlfriend?
Was it just a game for him?
Did I do something wrong?
Did I sleep with him too soon?
Was he just looking to hookup?

I could go on and on, but you get the idea. This is just a taste of the mental torture that ladies put ourselves through when we are waiting to hear from a guy. Sometimes I don't think guys even realize that by their not calling or texting us that it sends us into paranoia. I think guys just do it and move on. Where girls are wondering if we did was bad/wrong.

I know the last time I wondered these things. He and I never dated, more like friends I guess. After we hooked up I sat there wondering if or when I'd ever hear from him again. Even though I know we aren't going to date it would still be nice to hear from them. Even if it's just a quick "Hey how was your day?" It makes you feel a little better. You know, less like a piece of meat and more like a person that has feelings.

Since that night I haven't heard from him. The next week I had all those questions go through my head. Especially, since it had been a while since I'd been with anyone. I guess I was feeling a little sensitive. I wondered if I was up to par or not. Was my body good enough? Was I good enough in the skills dept.? I tried not to worry too much about it, but I have a tendency to pick myself apart and over analyze.

So guys, the next time you hook up with a girl that you're dating, trying to date, friends with, or hook up with every once in awhile, please don't wait forever to get back in touch with her. Seriously, just send her a text and say hi or something. Save our sanity.