Thursday, June 4, 2020


The last several months have been difficult for so many of us.  And for all of us those reasons are many.  So many of us lost jobs and others lost loved ones.  Some have been lucky enough to work from home, but then deal with the challenge of making that work with their kids and spouse home ALL DAY EVERYDAY.  

For me, I've been lucky enough to still have a job and do it from home.  Working from home is something I never imagined I'd be able to do.  First of all, who thinks they can broadcast from their house.  I also never thought I could handle being at the house all day.  I thought I'd get distracted easily and wouldn't be able to do it. I wondered if I'd slack off and want to take a nap, but nope!  Actually, I've done way better than I thought.  I actually kind of like it sometimes!  I have a small bedroom in my house that I set up as my office.  Over the years it turned in to a storage room, but over the last couple of month I've got things more organized and set up.   I still have to work to do, but it's definitely coming together.  

I think the hardest part about this quarantine life for me has been realizing how alone I am.  Thankfully I have my dogs, but sometimes it kinda feels like that's all I have.  I have some friends, but they all have their own stressful lives.  Also, most of them don't even live close by.  And the friends I have close by are typically doing their own quarantine thing.  I have family, but honestly, I don't speak to my brothers often and my mother is a different story.  Let's just say that my mother is not your typical mom.  My mom never calls me and if I call her, she rarely answers.  She doesn't text and once again, if you text her she might reply.  Maybe... 

Then there's the single part of it.  The last relationship I had didn't work out and while we're still friends, we're not a couple.  So the reality is that I'll have to re-enter the dating world and what does that even look like in a Covid-19 world?  Will it be just as hard as it was for me before?

I'd be lying if I said I haven't been a bit depressed occasionally during this time of quarantine.  At first,  I was totally fine, but then I think as we entered month 2 and beyond, the reality set in.  The reality that we weren't going to do much for awhile.  Basically that feeling of being stuck set in.  One of the things I really love to do is travel and that doesn't look to be happening anytime soon.  

Quarantine time has been tough on everyone's mental health.  While it's been comforting to know that everyone in the world is, to a certain extent, in the same place.  It's also been overwhelming to think that everyone is in need.  So then I try and ignore my sadness because I feel like my problems aren't big enough.  

At least during this time I've been accomplishing some small things around my house. I really hoped that I would have accomplished a lot more, like learn a new hobby.  I will say that this time of quarantine has really inspired me to start writing my blog again and start up my podcast.  Now I promise they won't all be depressing, but they will be centered around a lot of my thoughts and feelings.  

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