Saturday, March 3, 2018


One of the things I think about A LOT (probably too much) is matters of the heart.

Love is this intangible thing that we all seek out to find. Even those of us that say we don’t care to have it, still yearn for that feeling in some way. Most of those people mask it by using sex as their tool.

I was thinking how we all have scars that sometimes make it more difficult to find love because of someone that has hurt us before. I think 99% of us carry some sort of baggage or hurt around with us. Some of us mask it and try to move forward the best they can. While others have healed, but still aren’t the same as they once were.

I also thought of those that have a heart that isn’t full. What do I mean? I’m talking about the people that seek out love from others when they don’t have their heart to give someone. Or maybe they only have part of their heart to give because the rest is with someone else.

I think about some of my past relationships. I would go into the relationship with a pure heart and clean slate. Scars? Yes, but my heart is whole. Then I look back and think of the person I was with. I realized that even though I came into to it with 100% of my heart to give, they came into the relationship with only part of theirs to give. They came in with part of their heart with someone else.  I was in a losing situation.

I have scars from my past relationships. I also, know that when I pick someone (which I don’t do easily) that the person I pick gets my whole heart. They don’t need to worry about my intentions, my loyalty, my attention, or affection. Again...Yes, my heart has scars, but my heart is whole. My heart doesn’t belong to anyone else. There’s not a piece that I have given and left with someone else.

In those past relationships where they only had part of their heart to give because someone else had the rest...I was never going to win the whole heart. I can’t give you my whole heart when I only get pieces in return.

 What would you rather have...a whole heart with scars...or only a piece of a heart?

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