Wednesday, March 28, 2018


I was thinking the other day about how people treat you.  There’s a saying that people only treat you how you allow them to.  That’s true to a certain extent, but I also believe that people treat you because of who they are and the respect they have for other people.

I was thinking about how certain people have treated me in the last year.  One thing that I noticed was that these people treated me as though they cared about me, but in the end they were using me even if they didn’t realize they were doing it or doing it out of malice.

One individual acted as though they saw a future with me, but I believe he was using me in hopes that he would be able to move beyond his past hurts.  His actions since we stopped dating have showed me his selfishness and lack of respect for me as the “great person” he said he knew I was. Maybe he didn’t do it intentionally; however, he definitely wasn’t keeping my feelings in mind when he made some of his choices.  In fact, several of the things he did were absolute slaps in the face.  Which if you look up the definition for "slap in the face" it states: If you describe something that someone does as slap in the face, you mean that it shocks or upsets you because it shows that they do not support you or respect you.

I can think of 3-4 times this person disrespected me.  The first time he did, I called him out on it and then he broke things off with me.  The second time happened right after he called things off. And the last time was when he came back into the picture and told me he finally did something he should've done long ago, only to not keep his word and then also lie (omit) about somethings as well.

I will say he apologized for some of what he did and admitted to be a broken man, but the thing is...he continues to act the same as he did before; which tells me that he isn’t sorry, and that the apology was just lip service so that maybe I wouldn’t think he’s a bad guy in the future...or he only apologized to clear his conscience.   Or maybe he is sorry, but he's such a broken and troubled person with some demons that won't change and is sorry for even dragging me into his mess.

Whether, he’s selfish, immature, broken, or plain just didn’t respect me, it hurt the way he acted and some of the things he did to me directly and indirectly. Some of those choices that he made that hurt me I believe reflect on his character, his inability to keep his word, his truthfulness and transparency.

Do I think this guy is bad guy? No, in the beginning he did a lot of super sweet things and I do believe that deep down he can be a good person, but  in the end he definitely didn't treat me in a way that I deserve; which he has admitted to and knows that he did me wrong. I think he didn't respect me as a person in some ways; hence, me questioning some of his actions.  If he did respect me, then I think he's got some things to work on with how he treats people...especially people that were good to him.

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