Wednesday, March 14, 2018


Today I’m really struggling to keep the faith that I’ll find my person someday.  I’m around men all the time and I hear stories. I’m around women all the time and I hear stories, and then I know my own stories.  Some of the guys I know and hear stories from really makes me question if there are any decent men that truly want a lasting relationship.  I hear the stories of guys going through girl after girl.  They’ve got 4-5 girls hitting them up on Snapchat. Another couple of girls  they’re texting, and then there’s the few that come over.

 ARE ALL GUYS LIKE THIS?? Is it the guys that are confident that do this? Is it the guys have swag that pull this off? Should I avoid any guy that is charming because I’m already girl 7 on the list?

I had someone send me this meme that said “Social media killed reality” and it really did.  Now men have infinite amount of choices and then there are the girls that make it so easy for them thanks to social media.  I’m starting to wonder...not only are there any decent men anymore, but can anyone have a real relationship anymore?

I know of guys that say they do want a real relationship with just one woman, but still are still talking, flirting, sexting, dating, and sleeping with multiple women.  Do these guys just like the attention? And if they do...will the attention of 1 woman ever really be enough?

When does the playboy finally figure it out? Does he ever figure what he wants? When does that guy go from having 5 girls in the picture to just 1 girl? Is he capable of cutting all other girls off on Snapchat, Instagram,  and other ways?

I really want to know if what I want is even possible.  Maybe the kind of relationship I want doesn’t exist in 2018. Maybe the kind of man I want died with the invention social media and dating apps.

1 comment:

  1. Erin,
    You are my freaking spirit animal girl. I am wondering the same thing. I am in love with a guy and I am starting to wonder if I am just a convenience for him. I wrote him a letter and am wondering if I should even email it to him. He says he wants to work on himself and doesn't want a relationship right now which I totally respect, but at the same time I catch him with other girls. I'm pretty sure that's just code for "i just want to play around." When I'm around him I just feel this closeness and connection but now I'm questioning if it's a front. Does he do this with every girl he's with? I'm exhausted playing games like this. I deserve so much better.
