Tuesday, July 26, 2011


After many discussions over the years about men/boys/guys/@$%#, my friends and I have come up with a handful of questions that we never seem to get answers for. Or sometimes we do, but they vary with every guy you talk to.

So here we go!!!

Why do guys ask for your number, but never use it?

This has happened to me more than I care to count, and it happens to my girlfriends ALL THE TIME!! We can't figure it out. Do guys just ask for the number to see if they can get it? Do they ask because they were mildly interested and something else came along? Or this is the one us girls hate to think about, Do they ask us JUST TO BE NICE??

I can think of an instance where a guy asked for my number and he used it for random texting here and there but then just faded off. I wonder, was he just being nice? He didn't need to ask for it. Sad thing is, he texted and it would kind of get my hopes up like he was actually interested. Silly me!

Tied into the that last question...

Why do guys say they're gonna call and don't?

I know ladies have this complaint about guys all the time. I wonder if guys say it as a way to get out of the conversation with you and as ladies we take it too literally.

A couple questions from my facebook friends...

Why do guys continue to waste ur time and keep talking/texting you, only to tell you they aren't ready for a relationship??

Is it because they can't be alone? Is it because they need female attention, so as long as they get some they're fulfilled? Or are they just waiting till the next best thing comes around and then their move on to that girl?

When will a man "Say what he means... And mean what he says"... And this can be in a good or bad way!!

Granted ladies can be fragile and sensitive. We may over analyze a lot. However, we don't need you to sugar coat everything. In the case of a friend of mine. Her boyfriend came up with some lame excuse for wanting to break things off with her. When really what he should've said is, "I'm not feeling this anymore and I want have sex with other women. I need to act shameless for bit."

And along those lines another facebook friend asked....

Why do they say they'll 'protect you from the storm' and then end up cheating on you, when they KNOW you've been cheated on before?!?!?

I've never been cheated on (that I know of), but I can understand this one a bit. I've been hurt in the past and I remember having an ex of mine saying "he'd never intentionally try to hurt me." That may seem like something to hang on to, but notice his word "intentionally." Yeah he broke up with me soon after he said that.

Ladies what things have you wondered about men that had you asking "Why Do Guys Do _______? And for that matter guys if you have some questions as well ask away.


  1. I think there are a lot of good bull shitter's with men....in reality, yes-men can't be alone and survive on their own vs what us woman do. Also-being a good Bullshitter...unfortunately we will never really know. Ya gotta continue to trust-1. believe in yourself and what you want 2. Don't put your past against the new men 3. If a man strikes out on 2 occasions...I have learned it will-repeat! They may be good people searching for their own soul and when strike 2 of not following through comes into play---that means good bye. For now....possibly in the future but until they get there shit on straight....don't waste my time. In this comes the woman that doesn't seem to be just ever free flowing and cool to them....SO the argument there, is how it is presented.
    For once in my life, I have experienced a man that follows through w/ EVERY thing. It's absolutely refreshing...makes a HUGE difference. Simply, he follows through w/ himself and his own truth.....

  2. Well, let me give you an answer from a man's perspective... Granted, I can't speak for _all_ men, but I will speak for myself and what I think other men possibly think as well...

    Why do guys ask for your number, but never use it? - Lots of reasons... Could be that they met someone else they wanted to pursue before reaching out to you. Could be they're already in a relationship. Could also be a "blow off" line to get out of the conversation. Could be that they just want to stack their "little black book". Could very well also be they're intimidated by you, or don't know how to start a conversation with you again without making a fool out of themselves...

    Why do guys say they're gonna call and don't? (see above)

    Why do guys continue to waste ur time and keep talking/texting you, only to tell you they aren't ready for a relationship?? - This could be an honest answer from them. They may have time enough to "hook up" both figuratively and literally once in a while, but their living situation, job requirements, activities may not provide enough time to foster a full relationship that they feel it would deserve. Then again, it could speak to how they feel about the situation as a whole, where they don't put activities aside in order to make the relationship a priority and work. For example, when I met my girlfriend, it was a no-brainer to go from 7 soccer teams that I was playing on, down to 2. So we could build something meaningful and I could invest the time that I felt the relationship deserves. When you don't question this and just do it, then it's the right relationship for you (at least on your side).

    When will a man "Say what he means... And mean what he says"... And this can be in a good or bad way!! - Not all men are like this... Look at the person's past. If they have a history of saying one thing and doing another, you can bet that it carries over to the relationship side as well. In my humble opinion, they're not being truthful not only to others, but themselves and they're not a healthy person to get into a relationship with.

    Why do they say they'll 'protect you from the storm' and then end up cheating on you, when they KNOW you've been cheated on before?!?!? -- Predatory tactics by unscrupulous men... Run away... FAST!

    -- Sorry for the long response, but I felt you deserved some solid insight and feedback! :)

  3. I'm glad Brent had the balls to answer honestly. A lot makes sense. I never really gave any of these questions much thought though. just accepted it as a fact of life.

    One thing that's helped me, if anyone tells you they're a nice guy, they're probably not. If anyone tells you they're easy going, they're prpbably not. The only people who tell you point blank the type of person they are are the people who hope you'll believe their words & not they're actions.

  4. Brent said a lot. But whenever a girl asks these questions I wish I could put them in a proverbial pie and throw it back in her face.

    Because you girls behave THE SAME WAY!

    Every one of these questions you asked could be asked right back by a guy.

    Why did you give me your number if you never answer my calls/txts?

    Why did you hold my hand and lean on me at the club and then tell me you aren't interested in dating?

    Why do you say "i had a great time. call me." and then we do and you never answer nor return the call?

    You women are just as guilty as us guys in this.

