Friday, December 31, 2010


I can't remember all my New Years Resolutions from last year however, I do remember a couple of them. One of them being to get in better shape. The other was to get my deviated septum fixed. (I know that's weird but I was tired of looking at it) Both of those happened this past year.

As I move forward into 2011, I'd like to see my life move forward as well. Sometimes I look at my life and feel like I haven't moved forward much. Granted my scenery has changed a bit with my moving around for my job. I've traveled a bit, going to Europe by myself several times in the last few years. My job has changed, I've learned things and have met interesting people. I still feel like I need more.

So what can I do to make 2011 better than 2010?

1. Stay Fit!

Lately I've been running and working out sometimes 2 times a day. I'd like to keep that going. It makes me feel better and I want to look better. I'd like to see if I could do mini-triathlon or be so fit that I look like a fitness magazine cover!! I guess that means I need to cut back on the cocktails and drink more protein shakes!

2. Teach myself how to play piano.

Being in the radio business and meeting a lot musicians, I've discovered that I want to know how to play an instrument. My mom plays guitar and my brother knows to play bass, but for some reason I never had much of a desire as a kid. I was more of a sports kid. Now that I'm older, I'd like to have a hobby and possible new talent.

I actually have already started on this resolution. I asked my parents for Christmas to get me a keyboard. So, I went to Toys R' Us and bought the Yamaha YPT-320! Granted it's only 61 keys, but I figure it's a good start. (And don't make fun because I went to Toys R' Us to get it.) So now I just need to set it up and start teaching myself.

3. Continue to better myself

This is sort of vague, but ever since my divorce I've been on a mission to better myself and get it together. Whether that's it's physical or mental I want to be a better version of me. I want to discover myself and know ME!

4. Get more organized

This is always been a problem for me. I would consider myself semi-messy and I'd like to change that in 2011. I have a tendency to take my shoes off and just leave them wherever. I'm like a kid with their toys. Heck, you should see me desk at work. Papers, makeup, and randomness everywhere.

I know there are some other things I need to work on but some of them I know will be to hard to break. For instance my potty mouth. I like telling dirty jokes and I don't think that'll ever stop. I like to not worry as much, but I'm not sure how I'm going to stop that. I guess we can just try to do our best each day and get it a try.

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