Wednesday, February 25, 2009


So Friday is the big day when I go down to Chicago for my big audition with QVC. I'm really excited about the opportunity and I really hope I get it but I'm worried. What if I don't get it?

I feel like I've told everyone and their dog that I have this audition. Obviously, because I'm super excited. I mean how cool would that be? I pick up and move to Philly, get a great TV job that pays well. It really could be awesome. And I think I would do a great job at it. I'm spunky, have personality, and if I find a great deal I love telling people about it. There's nothing about this job that scares me in the least. I would have 6 months of training and once that's done I would have to start off on air in the middle of the night. Even though everyone likes having normal gotta start somewhere.

Here's where I get worried. I'll be going to this audition and I'm sure there are a ton of other people that will be trying out for the same job. So what happens if I don't get the call back? I know you should never put all your eggs all in one basket but I really wanted to get mentally prepared for this gig. So just say I don't get it. There's nothing else really out there right now and I'm just a little worried that I may not find anything else.

We all know the saying 'when one door closes another will open' but, what happens if there are no other doors...or if all the other doors that open have a goat standing behind it? (game show reference)Seriously, what happens if the door that opens for me is just whatever? Fortunately, if I don't get it at least I still have a job. Although, I think they're really hoping I get it so they can save my salary.

I just hope and pray that if this is truly a great career move for me that I get the job and knock their socks off on Friday! So wish me luck and if you want you can even pray for me...I'll except that wholeheartedly.

Monday, February 23, 2009


Probably since the beginning of time men have been after younger women. Like the younger the better…seriously that’s why we have shows on Dateline called “How to catch a Predator!” In the last few months I’ve heard and known more and more guys going after the young ones and I’m trying to figure it all out.

Let’s start off with my personal experience. After the Big D every girl that my ex went after was at least 10 years younger. The first one that I know was at least 10 years younger, a student, and worked at Old Navy. The second was I think 21, a student and daddy paid for everything. The last one I know of was 22, 12 years younger, and a student. To my knowledge he never so much as went on a date with a woman even close to his age let alone a girl around my age. So why did he always pick the young ones? Was it easy to impress them? With his connections, concert tickets and job he could show them he’s something. Did he like them because they haven’t learned to speak up yet?

Then we have a guy that I dated for a bit and he goes from me, a slightly older woman to a girl that’s in college. I mean, I'm 10 years older than her. Did he go for her because she’s really more along his maturity level? Was it because it was easy and she didn’t expect too much?

Then this weekend I went to a wedding full of doctors and surgeons. My friend was pointing out everyone to me. Then he shows me this doctor that he said was 48 and his wife passed away a few years ago of cancer. They had several children together and one of them was a girl that was 19. Well first of all, this guy did not look 48. I thought he was maybe 35. Then I look at the girl with him. Apparently she was 23 and worked with him. The girl was ok…I hate to sound snotty but I have a better bod then she does. Here’s the thing, she had her eyebrow pierced and a tattoo wrapped around her ankle. She must not have heard that NOTHING SCREAMS 1992 LIKE A BARB WIRE TATOO! I couldn’t believe it. He’s got a daughter that is 4 years younger than the chick he boning.

I have a lot of stories on his subject. So a guy I know who is about 34, he’s been married and divorced 2x and his last little F&^% Buddy was a girl that was 23. I think things had been going on since she was 20 or 21. Now with this situation they never dated. In fact, he literally would just call for you know what. It didn’t matter when. Oh this is a good one. I remember she was on a date with another dude and he called her for some action, she jumped in a cab with him and left her date on the curb. SERIOUSLY!!! That really happened and it happened here in Milwaukee. BTW guys…if you want to find that girl…I know where you can find her.

Now my last little story I got on Saturday. A guy I know that is a little older. He’s in his late 40’s. He’s going through a divorce which he didn’t see coming and within a month of his wife moving out he was already boning a 23 year old cocktail waitress. I asked him why a 23 year old and he really didn’t have an answer. Apparently she was the one to make the moves on him. When I said, “Oh my Gawd…you’re like 25 years older than her!!” He made a weird face and said “I know.” Now I know that he’s not going to really DATE this girl but I just don’t get it. I know this guy did say that his was fascinated by the fact that a young girl is firm in all the right places. OH VEY!

After having 2 of these stories come up this weekend it got me super paranoid. It actually made me a little sad because I started to feel old. I thought Why would a guy ever date a girl my age 31…when he can just date a 22 year old? So why do guys go for the young ones? Is it because they are supposedly firm where they should be? Is it because you really don’t have to try hard for the young one? Are they easier to date? Do guys like them because they’re mindless? Is it because us older ones are more serious and are usually looking for more meaningful relationships? Do guys like the young ones because they feel like they don’t owe them anything? Do you the young ones make them feel younger because they go to college parties? Is it ego?

Do all guys like the younger ones…should us girls in our 30’s just throw in the towel because our eggs or too ripe for men? When I say eggs I’m being funny BTW. I just hope that some guys may find that us riper girls just as good if not better.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


In the nearly 2 years since I've had this blog, I have a lot of guys getting offended. There's really no need for someone to take these blogs personally. I will say that some are written about people that I know. BUT...Those blogs are about those people and are all based on my observations or those of my I've stated before. So let's make things absolutely crystal clear in hopes that I won't have another blog comment stating "Erin there are good guys out there...or Erin girls do bad things too."


For the love of Pete! I believe there are guys that aren't d-bags. Why do you think I still try and date? If I thought all guys were d-bags I'd probably become a lesbian or a crazy cat lady. The fact is, that there are more men out there that are bad than good. Finding a good guy sometimes is like finding a needle in haystack. Although, once you find him it will be worth the wait.


What I mean be this is, sure you can be a great guy but maybe when you go out you're just not feeling it. May it be their actions on the date, things they said or didn't say, attraction, or maybe the foot they put forward wasn't their best name it. I think I'm a nice girl but, just because I meet a really nice guy doesn't mean he's the right fit for me.


GUYS NEWS FLASH!!! We talk about you!!! When we get together with our friends sometimes you come up and we share our feelings!! If you haven't seen the movie "He's just not that into you"...YOU NEED TO!!! If only to watch and say..."Yep been there! Oh Yeah...had that happen." All I'm saying is, all of my friends and I were dying because we've all done and had the things happen to us that were in that movie!!

OH! And all girls have stories of how guys have done them wrong. Even if you're a nice guy I can guarantee there's a girl out there somewhere that thinks you're an A$$ because at some point you probably were NOT you're typical "nice guy" self.


How many times have you heard a guy say.."God..Girls are crazy!"? Does that mean ALL girls are crazy? Of course not! So when I say something like 'run from the guy that's says he'll break up with his GF'...I'm talking in generalities. From the outside looking in...that situation looks bad.

It all boils down to the fact that I speak of general man behavior. Because I speak of bad behavior doesn't mean that I think all men are bad. So boys...grow some thick skin and realize that most of us women will go through our handfuls of the bad ones before we get to the good one. Although sometimes, some of us still settle with the bad ones.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Last night my girlfriends and I watched the movie “He’s just not that into you.” At first I was scared to go see it. I thought that the movie would make me depressed because it would just confirm that every guy I’ve every dated really just wasn’t into me. I mean why don’t I just go fall down on the sidewalk wearing shorts, skin up my knees and then pour salt all over them??? Here’s the thing…I actually learned and confirmed a lot from watching this movie. Here are some of my thoughts. These are not necessarily in any particular order.

Just because you’re in a relationship or married, doesn’t mean that you’re a good catch.

I think a lot of people compare themselves to others that are hooked up. I know that I think I’m a better person than my ex husband yet, he’s got a girlfriend. Guys that I’ve dated that are lame get another girl no problem. There’s a guy I dated for about 10 seconds and he was a complete A$$. He really thought he was something special. He thought all girls were obsessed with him. Guess what? That d-bag has a girlfriend! How is that possible? I doubt he changed from when I knew him…yet that guy can have a girlfriend? So it goes to show, just because he has a girlfriend doesn’t mean he’s a good guy or good catch.

There’s no such thing as a “spark”.

Guys use this as an excuse. Think about it. When you’re told, “We need to break up…I’m just not feeling the spark anymore.” It’s an excuse. It means that they got bored with you and what to try to get some new tail. Also, it’s an excuse when it comes to dating. Like when you go on a date and the guy says he didn’t feel that spark. It could mean he didn’t think you’d put out fast enough. Also it can mean that lame thing that guys think...that when they met a girl there’s supposed to be fireworks. THERE’S NO SUCH THING AS FIREWORKS, SPARKS, OR ANGELS SINGING WHEN YOU MET SOMEONE!!!!

People only get back together because they’re bored.

Think of how many couples are on and off. This only happens because at least one of the people in that relationship doesn’t have anything better going on so they call up Ol’ Faithful because it will always be there and it’s comfortable. I can think of a guy that has dated a girl for 7 years….Yeah 7!!! He started barking up my tree and when I and some other girls didn’t show interest…guess what? Back to Ol’ Faithful.

'He's Just Not That Into You' Clip: "We Are the Rule"
'He's Just Not That Into You' Clip: "We Are the Rule"

Don't listen to your friends' stories where everything worked out.

It might've worked out for them but more than likely it turn out like Chernobyl(Russian Nuclear reactor disaster)for you. So take their stories with a grain of salt and keep in mind they're probably just trying to make you feel better. Because let's face want your friend to be happy.

Never force a guy to be in a relationship or get married if he’s not ready.

You know what happens? He may stay faithful for awhile, but as soon as there is a little temptation…his underwear will be off before you know it. I’ve learned that no matter how much you wish someone was ready to date…they ain’t ready till they’re ready! So no matter how much you like them or think they could be a great catch…it doesn’t matter. I’ve got remind myself of that sometimes.

'He's Just Not That Into You' Clip: "He's Married"
'He's Just Not That Into You' Clip: "He's Married"

RUN…as fast as you can from any guy that says he’s married or in a relationship…even if he’s unhappy!!

You would think that this was pretty obvious but, how many times have you heard of the girl who starts seeing a guy that says he’s separated/divorced? There’s several ways that this ends up. Example #1 Guy dates girl, guy tells girl he’s going to get a divorce, girl believes him, girl gets sucked in, guy starts missing the ex, the ex misses the guy, guy dumps girl and gets back together with ex, girl left out in the cold. Example #2 Guy tells girl that he has a GF, Guy tells girl he’s wants to break up with GF, guy starts things with girl, girls finds out after months that the guy never broke with GF and they are still together…2 timing the entire time.

Point is…never date a guy that is getting a divorce till see the moving truck leave and the papers in hand!

A guy will never say I can’t stop thinking about you unless it’s in the movies.

Now my girlfriends got on me for this one because I think it never happens. They informed me that they all have had a guy say that to them SEVERAL times. Apparently, I’m the only one that has never had ANYONE EVER say that to me!! Wow I feel like a frickin’ winner let me tell ya! Either I’ve always been with guys that don’t show their emotions…or the more likely scenario…they never think of me or I’m not very memorable.

'He's Just Not That Into You' Clip: "Never Going to Call"
'He's Just Not That Into You' Clip: "Never Going to Call"


I would think this would be pretty obvious too but, it wasn’t until I saw it on the big screen with The MAC Guy saying it while using an expletive, before it truly sank in for me!! This is so true too. Case in point, recently I sent someone an email…no response. I sent another saying basically, “Hey never mind…but I still owe you a drink one of these days.”…no response. You’d think I’d get it. Then I sent him a txt to see if he was out…no response. Now I did end up running him to him on the way out of a place and he told me where they were headed next but…my thought is…if he really wanted me to come…he would’ve called. He was probably just being nice. Why don’t I get it? If he wanted to hang out with me…he would ask. I should wake up and smell that he doesn’t give a $#!T! Even if I wish he did.

With all the things I've realized and learned, I still trek on. Even though I may feel defeated sometimes that maybe I already had my chance at love, I still hope that one day I will find someone that appreicates my random humour, my semi educated brain, beauty(inner and outer), me in general, and my dog.

Friday, February 13, 2009


How ironic is it that the day where bad things are supposed to happen, Friday the 13th, is next to the day where people are doing nice things for each other and expressing their love? Frankly, I almost forgot about both till today when it dawned on me. Today so far has been a good day. Nothing bad has happened thus far. And tomorrow I haven't thought too much about for obvious reasons.

At this point in my life neither day tend to be too scary anymore or too exciting. For the most part they end up being just another day like the rest of them. I haven't been with anyone for at least a few Valentine's Days now and I think I may actually be getting used to it. I can only think of one Valentines day where I think someone actually did something special for me.

It was a few years ago and I just met someone a few weeks prior. They new that I semi recently was separated. He called me up out of the blue and said that since I was going to be spending my Valentine's day alone he wanted to know if I had had dinner that night. I hadn't, and so he basically invited himself over to my place and told he was bringing dinner over.

When he arrived at my place shortly after, he had brought with him cheese, crackers, and wine as a starter. Then he went to this great little restaurant and ordered and entree for us to share. Followed by a different bottle of wine with chocolate and strawberries. Needless to say, I was floored. The thought that he put into it and I wasn't even his girlfriend. Technically we were barely dating...I think that might've made it date 3.

It was a great gesture. Something I appreciate greatly to this day. And just so we're clear...the only reason that Valentine's haven't been so great is because I haven't dated anyone since then. And just so you know, I've been coming to grips with the fact that I won't have anyone for awhile. I'm not saying that to feel sorry for myself, more like I'm just not going to worry about it or care.

I could sit here and do the Anti-Valentine rant but what? So what that other people will be off having dinners and then go home and make sweet sweet love. (I'm being funny there) It really is just another day. Don't get me wrong, if I had someone special in my life do something special for me I wouldn't complain. I just won't dwell on the fact that I don't. I will on the other hand be at Target on Sunday for clearance Valentine's candy. Yummy! I will also give my dog Sexie lots of love because she is the one constant thing I've got right now...and she really is the best at snuggling...EVER!!!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Now and again I can get a little down that I don't have anyone in my life to share time with. I'll have a week here where I'm lonely and then, the next week I feel good that I'm not tied to some less than best relationship.

My friend back home is getting married this summer and her sister emailed me to see how I was doing and get caught up. I told her..."Well I'm as single as it gets and I'm looking for a new job that I'll move for." She sent me back an email that I thought was eye opening.

So let me list off the reasons why you and I should all embrace the moments of singleness.

10. No messes to clean up that aren't yours

In my case, I have a dog...but I swear she neater than I am. I need to be cleaner.

9. No arguments over what to have for dinner.

I remember when I was married my husband actually said "We are doomed!" all because he and I didn't know what to eat for dinner!

8. You can decorate your place however you like!!

That's a big one for the ladies! Girls never like having a neon beer sign in the living room.

7. You can go to the gym whenever you want.

I don't need to go home first and check in, or pick any kids. I can just go and bust my buns

6. You don't have to listen to anyone snoring or stealing the covers.

I think every guy I've dated has snored in some capacity (drinking involved) I never had the covers stolen, just kicked off because they were hot and sweating in the bed! EWW!

5. You don't have someone spending all your money for you/on them.

Seriously in this economy, I can't afford to date someone. I can barely afford food for myself, let alone some bottomless pit of a guy.

4. You don't have to worry about when "someone" will call you back.

I always hated the feeling when I had a boyfriend and they would take their sweet ass time getting back to me. Really? I call at noon & the soonest you can get back to me is at 8:30pm? Send at least a txt saying you're busy but will call as soon as you can!!!

3. No one to take you for granted.

This is huge for me. My ex-h thought that I would just take it cuz we were married. The rest would just be in to themselves and wanted me around when they wanted me around.

2. No one to disappoint you.

My ex-h actually told me this once when I was bummed out that I wasn't dating anyone. He said "Erin you don't want to date anyone right now anyway...cuz they'll just disappoint you." It's kind of true. I don't have to worry about any of that.

1. You can do WHATEVER you want WHENEVER you want!

Ahh absolute freedom! If you want to go to bed at it! Go on a trip to it! Spend too much money at Macy' it!! You are in control.

I say all this but, it would still be nice to have somone to spoon.

Monday, February 2, 2009


Everywhere you turn it's bad news about the economy. People are losing their jobs left and right. Businesses are closing their doors and it seems as if there's no relief in sight. In fact, experts are saying that it's going to get worse before it gets better. Is anyone freaking out right now like I am?

As I've discussed before on this blog, I'm concerned about my next step in life. Ever since 'KTI flipped my life has been in a state of limbo. I'm thankful that I have a job and have been reassigned but as you know I've also been told that I can look for other employment. As you also know, I've thinking about other career paths that I can go down. The big one for me is becoming a TV reporter.

At first the TV reporter thing I wasn't quite sure I could do. Then I thought I could totally do it. Then I started to doubt myself again. Now, I'm to the point where I wonder if I could even get a job. Everywhere I look and in every TV publication I read, they're laying off reporters and anchors all over the place. Combine that with the fact there are so many people aspiring to do the same that I am, I wonder is there really room for one more?

I also wonder will I be able to find a good opportunity for myself in this economy? Will I be able to make this career change without becoming bankrupt and eating Top Ramen every night? I know I worry a lot. Thank God I'm not married at the moment because my ex was never very uplifting when it came to me worrying about things. I just pray that good things will come my way and pray that I will do a good job when that happens.